摘要:This paper presents a qualitative analysis of triadic interactions,which it defines as discursive sequences that involve at least three actors (the teacher and a minimum of two students),observed in Italian primary classrooms. It aims to describe the various triadic configurations of discursive interactions and to underline how these triadic exchanges can be informative in terms of teaching and learning processes. The corpus of data comprises twenty teacher-led activities that were video-recorded in Italian third-grade classrooms. The results present some exemplars of triadic interactive sequences that can be considered as ‘telling cases’ showing how in the course of emergent interactive micro-processes a traditional IRF sequence can be enriched by the contribution of multiple actors.
其他摘要:Tento článek předkládá kvalitativní analýzu triadických interakcí,jež jsou zde definovány jako diskurzivní sekvence s minimálně třemi účastníky (učitel a alespoň dva žáci),na základě pozorování ve výuce v italských primárních školách. Cílem bylo popsat rů