摘要:The paper addresses the topic of so-called nontraditional students in tertiary education. We first explain why we believe it is important to examine the topic by referring to changes in the broader social context. More specifically,we focus on transformations of the traditional form of university study and individual life paths. In this context,the paper shows that nontraditional students can be defined with the help of a break in their educational path after finishing secondary school. Using research published primarily abroad, the paper answers the following questions about the group thus defined: (1) what our subjects’ motivations are for entering higher education,(2) what the specifics that characterize this transition are,and (3) what is typical for these students’ study. The paper thus provides a perspective on nontraditional students as a growing group with the potential to significantly enrich tertiary education.
其他摘要:Článek je věnován tématu tzv. netradičních studentů v terciárním vzdělávání. Nejprve vysvětlujeme,proč považujeme za důležité se tomuto tématu věnovat,a to tím,že upozorňujeme na změny v širším společenském kontextu. Konkrétně se jedná o proměny tradiční