摘要:The members of the international community of education policy makers have been changing dramatically their views on educational goals in the last decades,reflecting the important changes in the society. The Czech Republic has launched a curricular reform corresponding to the priorities of the international community. Yet the objectives of the reform were not subject to national discussion and the societal support to them seems rather doubtful. Such support is nevertheless crucial for a successful implementation of the reform. This article investigates in how the Czech society reflects the changes in the education system,whether any changes are required at all,and whether and how the public attitudes to educational goals have changed since the 1990s. The results of available surveys of the Czech society’s attitudes to education are compared.
其他摘要:V posledních desetiletích dochází v mezinárodní komunitě tvůrců vzdělávacích politik k velkým změnám v nazírání na cíle vzdělávání. Tyto změny jsou z působeny reflexí velkých změn společenských. Česká republika v nových kurikulárních dokumentech deklaruje