期刊名称:Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
出版社:Main Board of Association of Polish Surveyors
摘要:The authors undertook works on the creation of a measurement system which,when taking photographs with the use of a digital camera fixed to a theodolite,allows to learn all elements of the angles orientation of the beam of rays that make up an image. This can be possible with the method of automated analyses of two "opposite" digital images,as presented herein. Based on such images,and without measuring the test field,one can determine corrections of angle elements of the camera's orientation,so that next,in the on-line mode,to perform transformation by means of rotating the coordinate background points,which were recorded by the digital camera. The operations of digital image analysis,which lead to the determination of said corrections,have been automated. That procedure constitutes the first element of the measurement system being developed which,in the opinion of its authors,should facilitate solving various engineering issues,related to measurements in an almost real time. The works under discussion were carried out from the point of view of utilisation of the correction procedure in the case of measuring slender,tower-like structures that are out of plumb line (industrial stacks,towers,columns,etc.). Based on 50 deflections which were determined,compared with those determined by means of geodetic approach,average measurement errors were determined,amounting to the following values: - in the case of the non-automated procedure: ± 2.9 mm,which corresponded to the value of 0.5 pixels. By comparing that error with the remaining ones (those of the camera's orientation and those related to measurement performed with the use of VSD),it can be concluded that the procedure under discussion (determination of rectifying errors) effected the final results in the way similar to that of the VSD measurement - in the case of the automated procedure,the accuracy obtained was less than 0.5 pixels.
其他摘要:Autorzy podjęli prace prowadzące do stworzenia systemu pomiarowego,dzięki któremu - wykonując zdjęcia kamerą cyfrową zamocowaną na teodolicie - można znać wszystkie elementy kątowej orientacji wiązki promieni tworzących obraz. Umożliwi to opisana w niniej