期刊名称:Archiwum Fotogrametrii, Kartografii i Teledetekcji
出版社:Main Board of Association of Polish Surveyors
摘要:A set of aerial images taken by two cameras,analogue (LMK 1000) and digital photogrammetric (DMC),was used to compare radiometric quality of images obtained. Pairs consisting of analogue and digital images showing corresponding fragments of identical contents were selected for comparisons. As far as possible,fragments showing homogenous land use,e.g. buildings,parking lots,fields,forests,were selected,which made it possible to observe how the land use affected the wavelet transform. A total of 25 and 9 fragments of medium- and small-scale images,respectively were subjected to comparisons. The fragments selected were 1024 * 1024 pixels in size. The wavelet transformation was chosen as a method with which to compare radiometric image quality. Analysis of the equation for relative image variance preservation allowed to reveal the following patterns: (1) the relative variance of details in digital camera images was found to increase with the decomposition level,(2) the relative variance in analogue camera images was observed to decrease between the first and the second decomposition level. In all the cases examined,the digital camera produced better parameters of noise evaluation. The DMC images contained several times less random noise than those taken with the analogue camera. The study confirmed that it was possible to define the noise content indicators by analysing the wavelet detail coefficients.
其他摘要:Dla potrzeb badaĔ zebrano materiaá skáadający siĊ z par zdjĊü zarejestrowanych kamerą analogową (LMK1000) i cyfrową (DMC). Byáo to zdjĊcia wyselekcjonowane z wykonanych uprzednio prac fotolotniczych,przy czym materiaá dobierano tak,aby w miarĊ moĪliwoĞci