摘要:The article presents the analysis of the topics and linguistic features of social advertisements,which are constantly increasing in number. In this article, a social advertisement is understood as written or visual information inducing change and toleration, but not consumption. The information in social advertisements does not seek commercial profit; usually the whole community,not a particular individual,is addressed. The classification of social advertisements and their linguistic analysis are based on 74 texts of social advertisements on stands found by Kaunas roadsides,on the Internet or on television in the period of December 2007 – February 2008. The majority of social advertisements’ examples were selected from roadside stands. This implies that the target audience of such advertisements is the whole community. Social advertisements can be classified according to advertised objects: indispensable (advertisements about alcohol and tobacco harm) and dispensable. The latter reveal problems of an individual,a family and a community. The research showed that the grammatical categories of the parts of speech,the meanings of words and the functions of sentences are not cho?sen at random. These linguistic devices are used to cause changes and increase the awareness of different social problems. The effect of the adver?tising is influenced by various linguistic features: the frequent usage of imperative verb forms for the singular second person;the superlative adjective forms that are used more rarely than in commercial advertisements (this proves that adjectives in social advertisements are not “advertisement-like”);by the usage of mental adjectives (appealing to the feelings and psychological state of the addressee); the verbs expressing deliberate mental and social action;and by imperative and declarative (which usually express certain motivation) sentences. The analysis of the data supports the hypothesis that certain grammatical categories,the meanings of words and sentences with certain functions reinforce the desired effect in social advertising. More specific characteristic linguistic features of social advertisements would be revealed in further research: comparison of the features of commercial advertisements,taking into consideration oral and written language.
其他摘要:Dažnai susiduriame su nekomercinėmis,arba socialinėmis,reklamomis,t. y. su rašytine ar vaizdine informacija,kuri skatina ne vartoti,o keisti,keistis,toleruoti,populiarinti socialines problemas,pakeisti elgesio modelius,sukurti teigiamą visuomenės nuomonę