摘要:This paper compares an attempt to identify the phraseological unit on the basis of the degree of semantic motivation of phrasal elements,originating in the Russian phraseological tradition, with various aspects of word combining,as revealed in the corpus environment. The relativisation of relations between single word and multiword lexical units on the one hand and the semantically transparent and opaque phrases on the other broadens the subject-matter of phraseology to different types of language patterning and also offers dictionary solutions based on the contextual treatment of the lexical element.
其他摘要:V ~lanku soo~amo poskus identifi kacije frazeolo{ke enote na podlagi stopnje pomenske motivacije besednozveznih elementov z izhodi{~i v ruski frazeol{ki literaturi in razli~ne vidike besedne povezovalnosti,kot se odkrivajo v korpusnem okolju. Relativizaci
关键词:phraseological unit;multiword unit;fi xed expression;collocation;phraseme; pure idiom;idiomaticity;phraseologically bound or idiomatic meaning;syntactic patterns;lexical unit;corpus-based approach;lexicographical aspects;dictionary framework