摘要:The intensified flow of capital, technology, goods, services and human capital between countries has created the need to standardize financial reporting also for small and medium-sized enterprises.In 2009 International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities as a result of long-lasting and comprehensive research.This paper discusses the idea of accounting standardization for small and medium-sized enterprises, with special emphasis on the concept of income in the Interna-tional Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities.The paper also shows the most important similarities and differences in the approach to income between Polish and international regulations.
其他摘要:Postępujący proces globalizacji oraz internacjonalizacja działalności przedsze próby standaryzacji rachunkowości dowiodły jej kluczowego znaczenia dla rozszerzania międzynarodowych powiązań gospodarczych, a implemen?sją, w lipcu 2009 roku Rada Międzynarod