摘要:The article deals with the replacement of the paradigm of „passive social policy“ by the paradigm of „active social policy“,which normatively poses not only social benefits questions but also important social reintegration tasks. Nevertheless in general the role of state social security by approaching the 21st century has been seriously diminished. One of the reasons for that was the dissapearance of social altruism and solidarity in society and the prevalence of individualism and post-emotionalism. Nowadays post-emotionalist relations between the people form the core of socio-psychological state of society in the West and Lithuania. They are making harmful impact on social security development and seriously diminishing its significance. Return to solidarity becomes of vital importance to society.
其他摘要:Straipsnyje analizuojama,kaip „pasyviąją socialinę apsaugą“ palaikę socialinis altruizmas ir solidarumas amžių sandūroje Vakaruose užleido vietą ryškiam individualizmui ir postemocionalizmui. Postemocionalizmas tapo vyraujančia sociopsichologine būsena ka