摘要:Children who live in children‘s homes often suffer from psychological and social problems as well as poor living conditions. As a result,evidence suggests that this can badly affect their social life and integration into a wider social network when they leave the children’s home. A choice of right profession can help these children to integrate not only into the job market but also into the society. The necessary information provided at the right time will help to guarantee that decisions made by children will be the most suitable for themselves. The aim of this work is to find out about the possibilities of informing young people from children’s homes about employment prospects. The survey was carried out in the Alytus Children’s Home using the method of individual half-structured interview. Eight young people aged between 15 and 18 and 2 childcare workers participated in the survey. The survey reveals that young people do not tend to value the information which could help them to find out about their future job requirements and career prospects. The results also suggest that children‘s homes are not able to use all available services for informing young people about employment prospects because of the lack of human resources. There is clear evidence that the children‘s home needs a person or a group of people who could initiate a system of informing young people about professions and continue it when children leave the children‘s home.
其他摘要:Globos namuose gyvenančių vaikų dažniau patiriamos psichologinės ir socialinės problemos,globos namų gyvenimo sąlygos lemia didesnį šių vaikų socialinį pažeidžiamumą ir apsunkina jų integraciją į visuomenę palikus globos namus. Profesinis informavimas pad
关键词:children living in children‘s homes;vocational information;career planning.
其他关键词:vaikai;gyvenantys globos namuose;profesinis informavimas;karjeros planavimas