摘要:The peninjauan kembali (revision) under Indonesian procedure law. system is as an extra ordinary efforts to against the supreme court decisions. Revision is applicable to the permanent decision by involved party that ought to filling the sue to the Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung-Rl). Based on law number 4 year 2004 has stipulated condition on the revision is under circumstance on any situation under article 23 section 1 which ought to under law provisions. The author here notes that any possibly impediment appears will not technically happen in practice later. Oftenly in revision implementations the lack or weakness does exist by the applicant side 's. The mostly be deficient in the relevance's legal application to be considered upon Supreme Court.
关键词:hukum acara perdata. peninjauan kembali;hubungan hukum. kedudukan hukum. itikad baik