期刊名称:International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Training Sciences
出版社:Balikesir University
摘要:Physical education and sports activities arranged in accordance with educational programs provide positive contributions to the development of individuals with disabilities. We also know that physical education is considered an important tool for the promotion of physical activity,mental and psychosocial development,and teaching dance,games,and sports skills. Unfortunately,individuals with disabilities live often sedentary and socially isolated during physical education programs despite laws requiring individuals with disabilities to be included in general educational schools,physical education not excepted. The most important thing is to design individualized programs to meet the specific needs of individuals in these matters. However,most people find that including individuals with disabilities in physical education is challenging because of the need to change activities and adapt how they are implemented and evaluated. In this study,it was aimed to emphasize the importance of adapted physical education and sports programs for individuals with disabled and to present examples using literature information. There are a various disability classifications. Individuals who have these classifications may show more negative attitudes in their various fields and developmental characteristics than their peers who cannot have any disability. Behavioral disorders and the weakness to act alone can also be seen in some cases. For this reason,individuals with disabled need to act in order to live well. The activities and programs should also be suitable and adapted for the structure of these people. Adapted physical education services should be addressed as appropriate if the results of assessments indicate that performance in general physical education is adversely affected because of the individual's disability. An individual with a disability must have access to and the ability to equally participate and benefit from programs designed to develop physical and motor fitness,fundamental motor skills and patterns,and skill in aquatics,dance,and individual and group games and sports. If a person demonstrates deficits in the motor,behavioral or cognitive areas,but is participating successfully in general physical education,then the person would not require the specialized services of adapted.
其他摘要:Eğitim programları ile uyumlu bir şekilde düzenlenmiş beden eğitimi ve spor çalışmaları,eğitim ve öğretime olumlu etkilerinin yanında,sağlık,ruhsal ve sosyal yönlerin geliştirilmesine de olumlu katkılar sağlamakta ve bireylerin özel gereksinimlerini karşı
关键词:Individual with disabled;Special education;Insufficiency;Adaptation;Physical education and sport
其他关键词:Engelli Birey;Özel Eğitim;Yetersizlik;Uyarlama;Beden Eğitimi ve Spor