期刊名称:Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin : Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
摘要:According to the scope of apple production and its economical significance,apples are highly significant for producers of continental fruit in Serbia.It ranks among the most extensive and economically most useful fruit sorts.Within the structure of the total area planted with fruits,apples account for 27 % occupying the second place immediately after the plums.Out of the total domestic production 10 % gets exported.The average export amounts to US $ 6.2 million.Apple export should serve as a driving force of production increase and it represents an imperative of fruit production in the future.The paper deals with export of apples from the Republic of Serbia.The purpose of this study is to analyze regional destination of export,as well as the necessary measures for increased export to the international market.Absence of marketing concept in production and export,rather marked government’s role,and effect of measures of agrarian protectionism of the developed countries represent limiting factors of improved apple export from this country.
其他摘要:Având în vedere aria de răspândire a producţiei de mere şi semnificaţia sa economică, merele sunt extrem de importante pentru producătorii de fructe continentale din Serbia. Acest tip de fructe este clasat drept cel mai răspândit şi cel mai util din punct