出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:Efcts of salinity and standard toxic metals on ferilization and embryo development rates were investigated in the sea urchin,Henicentronus purchrrimus. Spawning was induced by injecting I ~ 2 mL of 0.5 M KCI into the coelomic cavity. Males released white or ceam-olored sperms and females released yellow or orange-col- ored egs. The fertilization rate was below 309% when salinity was 20 psu and lower,but was almost above 90% when salinity was 25 psu and higher. The embryo development rate was below 60% when salinity was 25 psu and lower,but was above 80% when salinity was between 30 and 35 psu. The frilizatin and embryo development rates in the control condition (not including Cu and Cad) were greater than 90%,but deereased a high negative comelation with the increasing of Cu(r= . -0.80,r= -0.78) and Cd(r= -0.90,r= -0.82) concentrations,respectively. The frtilization and embryo development rates were significantly inhibited in the addition of Cu (ECso= 17.30 ppb,ECxo= 10.32 ppb) and Cd (ECs0=364.57 ppb, ECsu =244.04 ppb),rspectively. These resuts suggest that salinity concentrations for sccessful friliation and normal embryogenesis of H. pulcherrimus are above 25 psu and 30 psu,respetively. and the biological assays of frilization and embryo development rates using H. pulcherrimus are useful methods for the ecological toxicity test of marine plluion elements.