出版社:Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology
摘要:Physical compositions of solid waste in W onju,shopping area were investigated with combustibles 78.13% (papers 35.89%,foods 14.41% etc.) incombustibles 21.87% (glass and ceramics 11.02%,metals 6.0% etc.) in 1991,solid waste in apartment area were investigated with combustibles 84.27% (foods 34.29%,papers 22.58% etc.),incombus- tibles 15.73% (glass and ceramics 8.77%,metals 4.85% etc.) and residence area were characterised with combustibles 70.37% (foods 33.55%. papers 10.53% etc.) and incom- bustibles 29.63% (ash of briquet 17.29%. glass and ceramics 7.49% etc.). Water qualities of a leachate from municipal landfill of W onju city were analysed pH 8.0~ 8.4,total suspended solid 102 ~ 140 mg/l,CN- 0.003~ 0.008 mg/l,NO2-N 0.108~0. 294 mg/l and phenols 0.46~ 1.12 mg/1. Volume of the leachate for 20% methemoglobin formation were 0.2 ~0.4 mg/ml in Octever,0.3- 0.4 ml/ml in December sampling,0.2 ~0.3 m/ml in St. 1 and 0.4 m/ml in . St.3.