标题:Belgrade housing modernisation in the first half of 20th century: Transformation of spatial concept, construction and materialization of multy-story residential buildings
出版社:Institute of Architecture and Urban and Spatial Planning of Serbia
摘要:Multi-storey business-residential and residential buildings have been increasingly present in Belgrade since 1900 and testify to its accelerated modernisation. In the period before the WWI, the basic types of multi-family residential buildings were developed and characteristic forms of building assemblies and spatial organisation of apartments were formed. As builders were educated in Central European centres (Pest, Vienna, Munich, Aachen, Berlin and Zurich), the types of assemblies and apartments were created according to their influence. After the war, in addition to the old generation of architects, the younger generation, educated at the Architectural Department of the Technical Faculty in Belgrade, is also active, which contributes to a greater variety of solutions and the influence of other European centres (Prague and Paris). Through the analysis, examples from the period 1900-14 and 1918-41 are considered and compared to define the basic types of building shapes, assemblies and spatial organization of apartments. The research confirms the thesis on the continuity of development and application of the same basic types of buildings and spatial organisation of apartments in both periods. The thesis of continuous use of masonry construction for making walls in both periods was also confirmed, while the use of modern material, reinforced concrete, and semi-prefabricated Herbst construction was established during the third and fourth decades of the 20th century.
其他摘要:Višespratne poslovno-stambene i stambene zgrade su sve prisutnije u Beogradu od 1900. God. i svedoče o njegovoj ubrzanoj modernizaciji. U periodu do Prvog svetskog rata se razvijaju osnovni tipovi višeporodičnih stambenih zgrada i formiraju karakteristični oblici sklopova zgrada i prostorne organizacije stanova. Kako su graditelji bili obrazovani u srednjoevropskim centrima (Pešti, Beču, Minhenu, Ahenu, Berlinu i Cirihu), tipovi sklopova i stanova su nastajali pod njihovim uticajem. Nakon rata, pored stare aktivna je i mlađa generacija graditelja obrazovana na Arhitektonskom odseku Tehničkog fakulteta u Beogradu, koja doprinosi većoj raznovrsnosti prostornih rešenja i javlja se uticaj i drugih evropskih centara (Praga i Pariza). Kroz analizu su razmatrani i komparirani primeri nastali u periodu 1900-1914. i 1918-1941. God. kako bi se definisali osnovni tipovi oblika osnova, sklopova zgrada i prostorne organizacije stanova. Cilj istraživanja je da se potvrdi teza o kontinuitetu razvoja i primene istih osnovnih tipova sklopova zgrada i prostorne organizacije stanova u oba perioda. Takođe je potvrđena i teza o kontinuiranoj upotrebi masivne konstrukcije za izradu zidova u oba perioda, dok se primena savremenog materijala, armiranog betona, i polumontažne međuspratne konstrukcije Herbst ustalila tokom treće i četvrte decenije 20. veka.
关键词:Belgrade ; multi-story residential buildings; multifamily housing; residential palaces; basic types of buildings and apartments; masonry construction ; reinforced concrete ; semiprefabricated Herbst construction
其他关键词:Beograd ; višespratne stambene zgrade; višeporodično stanovanje ; stambene palate; osnovni tipovi sklopova i stanova; masivna konstrukcija; armirano-betonska međuspratna konstrukcija