摘要:The purpose of this Study is to determine
the role of self-esteem and perception of
Parental Parenting Styles of Married Students in predicting their caregiving styles.
This study is of a descriptive correlational
kind. The statistical population of the
present study is all the married male
students of the Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran in 2016. The sample of this
study includes 245 male students of
Shahid Beheshti University who were selected by available sampling method and
they completed the caregiving inventory,
self-esteem scale, and perceived parenting
styles questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and multivariate regression. The results showed that
self-esteem and emotional intimacy predict the proximity and sensitivity positively and significantly, and the rejection,
negatively and significantly predicts the
proximity and sensitivity (p<0.05). The
results also showed that self-esteem, overprotection and emotional intimacy predict
the control negatively and significantly,
and the rejection predicts the control
positively and significantly (p<0.05). The
results also show that self-esteem and
emotional intimacy predict obsessive negatively and significantly (p<0.05). The findings were discussed.