摘要:The purpose of the present study wasproviding an instrument based on FamilyTriad Systemic Model (FTSM) to assessthe relationships between couples and twofamilies of origin and checking the psychometric properties of it in Iran. An itempool of 107 was created by using otherprevious related tools,consultation withexperts and interviews with married people.Then 425 participants (82 males and343 females) selected through accessible
sampling method conducted the question-nnaire.By Principal Component Analysisand Varimax rotation three factors of we-ness (17 items),boundaries (35 items),and joining inlaws (35 items) were extracted supporting the FTSM.Three factormodel could explain 47.27% of total variance.Face validity of instrument was ex-amined by eight experts.The Intra classCorrelation Coefficients for weness, bo-undaries and joining the in-laws respectively were: 0.84,0.81,0.86(p<0.001).Cronbach's Alpha for all items was 0.98and for weness,boundaries and joiningthe inlaws subscales respectively were:0.95,0.96,and 0.97.Testretest coefficient after 15 days for whole scale was 0.96and for we-ness,boundaries and joiningthe inlaws subscales respectively were:0.95,0.94, and 0.90.
关键词:Relationship with in-laws;Iranian family;Family Triad Systemic Model (FTSM);Family Triad Systemic Scale (FTSS)
其他关键词:Relationship with in-laws ; Iranian family ; Family Triad Systemic Model (FTSM) ; Family Triad Systemic Scale (FTSS)