出版社:Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lingüística da UFSC
摘要:In the field of diachronic syntax, we present in this article a diatopic-diachronic mapping of second person verbal complements, focusing on the dative forms, in personal letters written in Brazilian Northeast in both 19th and 20th centuries. This mapping allows us to systematize arguments in favor of the hypothesis that innovative forms of BP grammar are first implemented in the Northeast when compared to the Southeast and South in the vast Brazilian territory. Results demonstrate that, in the Northeast, forms associated with the pronoun você are more recurrent for verbal complements in the accusative, dative and oblique functions, in general, and that, for the dative forms, in particular, (1) te is significantly infrequent while lhe has been implemented in the pronominal system since the beginning of the 20th century; and (2) the frequency of null and of prepositional forms (preposition “você/tu”) has significantly and gradually increased during the 20th century. These results contrast with those found for the Southeast and South of Brazil, especially in the time frame in which these changes are implemented.
关键词:Dativos; Pronomes pessoais; Cartas particulares; Sintaxe diacrônica; Português Brasileiro