摘要:The Anthropocene is the new geological epoch, characterized by the accelerating global influence of humankind and the impending point of no return on environmental changes. In this article, we highlight reactions of scientists to the challenges of the Anthropocene from the perspectives of biomimetics and sustainability research. To answer novel questions in the Anthropocene context, scientists have established relevant approaches to collaborate at an interdisciplinary level and have entered into exchange with society in the sense of transdisciplinary activities. With regard to biomimetics, we introduce the interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary contributions leading to the development of biomimetic products on the market. Regarding sustainability research, we focus on a prospective assessment of substances of very high concern and show how environmental, economic, social, and ethical issues as well as policy measures play a central role in chemicals risk management. In the final “practice bridge” section, we use examples to describe how biomimetics and sustainability research can meet and how biomimetic products can contribute to sustainable development in the Anthropocene.
关键词:Great acceleration; Biology push process and technology pull process; Biomimetic promise; Interdisciplinarity; Socio-economic analysis; Chemicals risk management; Transdisciplinarity; Participation