摘要:Citizen Journalism, has become an inseparable part of the current journalistic activities. Events that are usually rarely covered by the mainstream media can now reach the public through Citizen Journalism channels. The development of Citizen Journalism in Indonesia is arguably encouraging, this is marked by the large number of people who share information in various forms, from writing to video through social media. But this is not without problems, the dissemination of information by the public on social media is generally still in the form of fragments of events that are not intact, so prone to cause misunderstanding when consumed by the public. This is because the jurnalis wargas do not have the ability to organize news coherently, or in the case of video news they do not have software skills. The solution to these problems is to held software training for Citizen Journalism activists. This community service activity involves the Semarang Citizen Journalism community as trainees. The results of this training will be a news video with a maximum duration of 2 minutes, which will be uploaded through the Youtube channel citezen journalism Semarang community. With this training, activists of Citizen Journalism, especially in the city of Semarang have been able to do news editing so that it becomes a coherent entity so that the news produced meets journalistic rules.