摘要:Shia minority groups in Indonesia are often considered as 'other' religious group by the majority groups, especially Sunnis. Shia groups often receive discrimination from Sunni groups. In dealing with this, sometimes government intervention through its policies is needed. In this study, the authors focus on cases of conflict that have occurred in Sampang and Yogyakarta. Shia groups who are facing discrimination in these two locations appear to be different. Shia groups in Sampang suffered a tragic fate and were expelled from their hometown, while the Shia groups in Yogyakarta did not experience the same fate. This study uses a qualitative method using a case study approach based on Ralf Dahrendorf's conflict theory and Lewis A. Coser's functional theory. This study discovered that the factors of state policy formation in Sampang case which tends to be conflictual are as follows: 1) Social factors: the cause of the conflict starts from the internal conflict of the KH Makmun’s family 2) Cultural factors: the commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet (Maulid Nabi). 3) Political factors: it was coincided with the events of local elections in Sampang (2012) and East Java governoral election (2013) which cause contestations for public votes. 4) Economic factors: the reduction of clerics’ incomes during the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday, followed by a plan for oil and gas exploration. Meanwhile, the factors of state policy formation in Yogyakarta case which tends to be peaceful are as follows: 1) Social factors: the RausyanFikr community has a strategy in defending their rights in the community by merging with the surrounding community. 2). Cultural factors: heterogeneous Yogyakarta society and the tradition of Javanese tolerance (tepo seliro). 3). Political factors: the Rausyan Fikr group does not involve themselves in any political issues and there is no political competition for the votes of the governor (Sultan). 4). Economic factors: the RF group does not have any economic relations to compete with surrounding residents. 5). Other factors: the issue of thought and philosophy which is used as daily-menu of this group and the intervention of the government of Yogyakarta to protect all members of the community. Therefore, alternative state policies that can be applied in multicultural societies to solve minority-majority problems are the politics of multiculturalism proposed by Charles Taylor.
关键词:Sunni-Shia; Social Relation; Policies; Conflict; Peace