摘要:Making rational management decisions requires knowledge and consideration not only of the internal potential of the enterprise, but also the external conditions of its operation. Accordingly, the accuracy of management decisions and the ability to adapt to a changing environment determine the effectiveness of activities. The country’s tax system is an extremely powerful external condition, so the tax planning of enterprises and the quality of management directly affects not only the economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises, but also the trajectory of the country’s development. The purpose of the article is to establish and justify the specifics of tax planning in the system of accounting and management information space. To achieve this goal, the authors used such methods and techniques of cognitive theory as content analysis (to review publications on tax planning in the Web of Science Core Collection for 2000-2020), statistical analysis (to determine the tax burden on the economy of Ukraine), abstract logical analysis (to substantiate the specifics of decision-making in the process of tax planning), tabular and graphical methods (to visualize the results of the study). This allowed the authors to define the principles of tax planning in the accounting and management information space. These principles include: communication (development and implementation of strategies based on stakeholder dialogue, taking into account needs, promoting better decision making), use of the best available information (information should be reliable and contextual), assessment of the impact on the value of the enterprise (modeling the effectiveness of alternative solutions, classification of actions according to their impact and consequences), smart management (accountability and trust, sustainability in the long run, ethics and social responsibility). It is proved that the implementation of tax planning in the system of accounting and management information space allows to achieve the established priorities and should be an element of enterprise development strategy.