摘要:Saltwater intrusion is a major cause of coastal erosion. New hybrid bald cypress species have been shown to exhibit salinity tolerance compared to native bald cypress species. Planting these hybrids, or Nanjing Bot Garden genotype (NBG), trees where their roots can stabilize soil and preserve land may reduce coastal erosion in areas subjected to saltwater intrusion. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether or not selected bald cypress NBG genotype tree species survive better than native bald cypress trees in areas inundated with saline water. Leaves were harvested, dried and analyzed for their elemental concentration. NBG genotype trees excluded more sodium than native bald cypress trees. NBG genotype tree roots were also less effected by brackish water. Finally, the growth of the NBG genotype trees and the control were measured. All NBG genotype trees tested showed growth while the control trees maintained little or no growth, and a decrease in tree height in sodic soil. If these NBG genotype trees are subjected to a surge of brackish water, NBG genotype bald cypress trees may be used to stabilize soil that may be otherwise subject to coastal erosion.
关键词:Salt Water Intrusion;Brackish Water;Coastal Erosion;Taxodium Genotypes