摘要:ABSTRAK. Kajian ini merupakan langkah penelitian dalam memahami bagaimana teori folding architecture didefinisikan dan diterapkan ke dalam karya bangunan/arsitektural. Dalam beberapa telaah di aspek filosofis yang menjadi dasar teorinya, ditemukan bahwa teori dan konsep folding architecture bercabang pada penerapan praktisnya dalam membentuk massa dan tampilan bangunan, atau penerapan abstrak yang perwujudannya adalah mengatur ruang aktivitas secara menyatu atau terpisah tergantung pada perlakuan lipat-melipat bidang/elemen bangunan. Melalui telaah tersebut dapat dikerucutkan bahwa inti dari konsep folding architecture adalah prinsip keterhubungan melalui perlakuan-perlakuan seperti mentransfer aktivitas secara mulus, memiringkan bidang, menekuk bidang dan membuka bidang.
其他摘要:This study is a process in understanding how the folding architecture theory is defined and applied to architectural/building works. In several studies on the philosophical aspects on which the theory is based, it was found that the theory and concept of the folding architecture branched out from its practical application in shaping the mass and appearance of a building. Moreover, it also an abstract application where the embodiment is to organize the activity space unified or separately to depend on the plane building elements' folding treatment. This study can conclude that the core of the folding architecture concept is the principle of connection through treatments such as smooth transfer of activity, tilting the plane, bending the plane, and opening the plane. Keywords : Fold, Folding Architecture, Connectivity, Catastrophe