摘要:We show that standard extragradient methods (i.e. mirror prox [Arkadi Nemirovski, 2004] and dual extrapolation [Yurii Nesterov, 2007]) recover optimal accelerated rates for first-order minimization of smooth convex functions. To obtain this result we provide fine-grained characterization of the convergence rates of extragradient methods for solving monotone variational inequalities in terms of a natural condition we call relative Lipschitzness. We further generalize this framework to handle local and randomized notions of relative Lipschitzness and thereby recover rates for box-constrained ð"_â^Z regression based on area convexity [Jonah Sherman, 2017] and complexity bounds achieved by accelerated (randomized) coordinate descent [Zeyuan {Allen Zhu} et al., 2016; Yurii Nesterov and Sebastian U. Stich, 2017] for smooth convex function minimization.