摘要:What is already known about this topic? Coccidioidomycosis incidence increased in California from 2000 to 2018 and was higher among males, adults aged ≥40 years, Black persons, and residents of Central California. What is added by this report? In the first regional analysis of coccidioidomycosis in California, risk was consistently high across California regions among males and Black persons yet varied by region among different age groups and Hispanic ethnicity. Incidence was highest in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, and the largest increase from 2000 to 2018 occurred in the Northern San Joaquin Valley. What are the implications for public health practice? Routine regional analysis of coccidioidomycosis data should be performed to better understand where increases are occurring and whether risk by demographic groups varies, and these results should be used to better target and tailor outreach messaging.
关键词:Valley Fever In California;Regional Analysis Of Valley Fever In California;Analysis Of Coccidioidomycosis;Coccidioidomycosis In Southern San Joaquin Valley;Valley Fever In San Joaquin Valley;Diseases & Conditions;Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis);MMWR;Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report