标题:Desenvolvimento de materiais didáticos voltados à educação em saúde para sensibilização de futuros profissionais de saúde sobre a inclusão de surdos
摘要:Health education is a fundamental practice so that human beings have more autonomy in the care and development of their health, however, it is clear that the deaf community is hampered by the lack of access to health information. This study aims to sensitize the students of the Nursing course about inclusion through the construction of visual and tactile resources to disseminate health information to the deaf community. The target audience was nursing students, the research being developed in the context of the biochemistry discipline. It is a quantitative-qualitative, descriptive and observational research, with the development of inclusive materials and the application of a questionnaire containing open and closed questions to assess the students' opinion and raise awareness after the elaboration of resources. The work generated, as a product, a strategy to raise the awareness of nursing students in relation to the inclusion of the deaf, through the production of didactic resources such as three-dimensional models aimed at teaching health topics addressed in the discipline of biochemistry, in order to meet a lay public including deaf people. The students developed 14 visual materials on topics related to pregnancy and fertilization and 30 students answered the questionnaire, with a positive opinion about participation in the activities. This study demonstrated that a good part of the students does not dominate Libras, on the other hand, the research contributed in a positive way, sensitizing the participants on the importance of promoting inclusive health education to the deaf public.