摘要:The paper provides an overview of the current state of the problem of creating a mathematical model of a muzzle-loading smooth-bore gun, which is necessary for the historical reconstruction of the ballistic parameters of this weapon. Due to the low accuracy of the initial data, characteristic of the historical documents of the 19th century, the high accuracy of the model and methods for its solution seems to be excessive. In 2012, a model was proposed in an adiabatic setting. Comparison of its results with those obtained by the model in a three-dimensional non-stationary setting showed a discrepancy of no more than 1.5 %. A series of numerical experiments was carried out to determine the air section coefficient in the sickle-shaped gap, which is characteristic of a smoothbore gun, but is absent in modern reference books. The dependence of this coefficient on the Reynolds number is obtained. Due to the rigidity of the problem accompanying the initial stage of ignition, the proposed model has problems with the stability of the solution. Apparently, this problem can be overcome by using integration methods with automatic step selection. As a result, the predicted accuracy of the model is about 10 %. The developed model was verified on modern samples and, in general, confirmed the declared accuracy. But the comparison with historical materials showed a discrepancy of almost an order of magnitude. This circumstance allows us to conclude that our understanding of the ballistics of medieval weapons needs correction, and possibly a significant revision. Most likely, it developed under the influence of incorrect interpolation of experimental data from the second half of the 19th century.