期刊名称:I-Economics: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics
出版社:Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam
摘要:Kemaslahatan merupakan indikator utama dalam prinsip ekonomi Islam. Dalam pengembangan lembaga keuangan berbasis syariah, semua perusahaan berlomba-lomba memberikan produk terbaiknya atas dasar kemaslahatan bagi umat manusia. Investasi merupakan salah satu cara agar manusia mendapatkan kemaslahatan dalam hidupnya. Penelitian ini mencoba mengupas fenomena pasar modal syariah sebelum dan saat masa pandemi covid-19, dengan menakar kemaslahatan reksadana syariah dalam perspektif maqashid syariah yang bertujuan untuk menjaga agama, menjaga akal, menjaga jiwa, menjaga keturunan, dan menjaga harta dengan adanya literasi tentang kemaslahatan reksadana syariah, maka diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah alternatif dan solutif bagi masyarakat untuk berinvestasi demi tercapainya falah di dunia dan akirat.
其他摘要:Benefit is the main indicator for Islamic economic principles. In developing sharia-based financial institutions, all companies are competing to provide their best products based on the benefit for the mankind. An investment is a way for the people to get their benefits for living. The objective of investment is two-way relationship between the investor and the company. For another side, the investment is a financial management that teaches people to prepare for a better future, on the other side the investment helps financial institutions to obtain capital in developing Islamic financial institution products so that They can make a real contribution for the national development. This research tries to analyze the phenomenon of the Islamic capital market before and during the pandemic of Covid-19, by measuring the benefits of sharia mutual funds in the perspective of maqashid sharia which aims to protect religion, maintain reason, protect the soul, protect offspring, and protect property with literacy about the benefit for the mutual funds of sharia, hopefully this study will be an alternative and solution for the people to invest in order to achieve the highest achievement (falah) in the world and the here after.