出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:Observed climate change, especially warming, is having significant impacts on the distribution of European flora and these impacts include uphill range shifts, as well as predict potential local and regional extinctions of species. This process can be also called as a vertical migration of species. The related research in subalpine and alpine belt of the European mountains brought several interesting results during the last 15 years, above all by the GLORIA initiative network and a project sUMMITDiv with repeated plant survey from 302 mountain summits across Europe and spanning 145 years of observation. A continent-wide acceleration in the rate of increase in plant species richness, with five times as much species enrichment between 2007 and 2016 as fifty years ago, between 1957 and 1966 has been confirmed (Steinbauer et al., 2018).