标题:Vybrané fytocenózy v mikropovodí Mlynského potoka (Kremnické vrchy) a ich ekologické a socioekonomické hodnotenie
其他标题:Selected Phytocoenoses in the Microcatchment Area of the Mlynský potok Stream (Kremnické vrchy Mts.) and their Ecological and Socio- Economic Rating
出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:Land use affects both biotic and abiotic ecosystem components and the changes induced in ecosystem vegetation species composition and site conditions are substantially due to anthropogenic intervention. This work evaluates these changes and their impact on environmental socio-economic factors in the Mlynský potok stream micro-catchment area in the Slovak Kremnické vrchy Mts. The study area contains three major plant associations and three plant communities, and the results of evaluating ecological profile changes between 2007 and 2009 highlight the dynamic vegetation changes due to altered soil reaction, moisture and nitrogen. Prevailing socio-economic characteristics were assessed by determining the values of feed potential, mellifluence, the degree of toxicity and proportion of medicinal species present. We recorded species loss and the emergence of new species but these changes had no significant impact on the ecological and socio-economic characteristics of the selected phytocoenoses.
关键词:plant community dynamics; pastures; land use; ecological and socio-economic assessment; Mlynský potok stream micro-catchment area; Kremnické vrchy Mts.