出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:Trees are most long-lived and oversize plant organisms on the earth. There is knowledge the trees achieved almost 2000–4000 year old. In settement and residential spaces were planted in palace gardens and parks, in square and streets as element of space composition, aesthetic and for elimination of extreme climatic characteristics. In cultural landscape trees have forming of accompanying alleys of road and water streams, as well as elements of composed landscape, sacral and profane areas and architectonical objects. Trees and especially old and memorial are currently considered as important elements of cultural and natural heritage and gene pool source for future research and poten- tial utilisation for human society. Cultural values of the trees are laid in legislative rules and acts for their protection and data base networking. Contributions introduce the development and importance of trees in human life including to research and surveying of protected and memorial trees in our countries. In conclusion there are presented some research and tree mapping results in two model territories of the Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.
关键词:trees and human society; cultural landscape; tree heritage