出版社:Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
摘要:During the last 15 years, globalization has appeared as the most explicit general trend, accompanied by individualization and atomization of the society. From the historical aspect, the global governance appeared but without the presence of global institutions. The global governance must be based on a principle of equality, democracy and formation of civil society. Sovereignty is a foundation-stone of the present international relations. However, in relation to global common goods, it is necessary to restrict sovereignty or to carry it out collectively. The front-runner for the role of global governor is the United Nations Organization (UNO) having 191 members, although the founding countries did not endow the UNO by an authority touching the national sovereignty. The financing system of the UNO has no clear rules. It is necessary that every single inhabitant of our planet participates on the global tax some way, in such case the global governance would be then exposed to a greater attention and control of people.