摘要:Industrial dust has a serious impact on the atmospheric environment, leading to an increase in the risk of workers. To reduce the impact of dust on the environment, spray dust suppression is often used. The quality of the water seriously affects the atomization effect. The spray parameters obtained in the laboratory are difficult to achieve, resulting in poor effect of spray dust suppression. To improve the atomization ability, the relationship between surfactant, liquid surface tension, and atomization performance was studied by experiment and numerical simulation. The study found that the wettability of Primary Alcobol Ethoxylate for water is improved obviously, and the surface tension and contact angle of solution meet the requirements of F = 24.46 ln ( θ ) − 44.84 ; When the concentration of solution is 0.005%, the surface tension of liquid is 42mN/m, and the droplet size of spray droplet can be controlled at 60 μm. The high wetting spray improved the ability to catch dust. The dust removal efficiency of dust and dust could be increased by about 10%, and the dusting rate of the whole dust was more than 90%, and the dusting rate of respirable dust was more than 84%.
关键词:Dust pollution ; High wetness gas water spray ; Spraying for dust suppression ; Numerical simulation