摘要:This article puts in the scientifi c use results of rescue research of the mound (tumulus) no.1 from the village of Brânzenii Noi (Telenești District) and the mound (tumulus) no.1 from the village of Rogojeni (Şoldănești District). The vast majority of burials in the mounds studied belong to the Yamna culture, Early Bronze Age. One burial from the mound 1 in Brînzenii Noi refers to antiquities of the Noua culture, Late Bronze Age. In conclusion, the authors consider the issues of coexistence of the Late Yamna culture tribes with the bearers of the Catacomb culture in such a peculiar ecological niche as the fl oodplain of the Middle Răut. List of illustrations: Fig. 1. Geographical location of the researched tumuli (kurgans): 1 - Brânzenii Noi village, Telenești District; 2 - Rogojeni village, Șoldănești District. Fig. 2. The terrain map with the location of the tumuli (kurgans) and necropolises studied in the lower riches of the Middle Răut: I - the kurgan from Orhei; II - tumular necropolis from Braviceni; III - tumular necropolis from Ciocîlteni; IV - burial mounds from Codrul Nou. Fig. 3. Brânzenii Noi. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1. Plan and sections. Fig. 4. Brânzenii Noi. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1. Tomb no. 1, stone fi lling. Fig. 5. Brânzenii Noi. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1: 1 - tomb no. 1; 2 - tomb no. 3; 3 - temple ring from the tomb no. 2; 4 - vessel from the tomb no. 1; 5 - tomb no. 2. Fig. 6. Brânzenii Noi. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1. Tomb no. 4. Fig. 7. Rogojeni. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1. Plan and sections. Fig. 8. Rogojeni. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1: 1 - tomb no. 1; 2 - vessel from the tomb no. 1; 3 - tomb no. 2; 4 - vessel from the tomb no. 2. Fig. 9. Rogojeni. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1: 1 - anthropomorphic stele; 2, 3 - fl int fl ake. Fig. 10. Brânzenii Noi. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1: 1 - vessel from tomb no. 1; 2 - vessel from tomb no. 1 (photo in situ). Rogojeni. Tumulus (kurgan) no. 1: 3 - vessel from tomb no. 1; 4 - vessel from tomb no. 1 (photo in situ); 5 - vessel from tomb no. 2, 6 - vessel from tomb no. 1 (photo in situ).