摘要:Jordan is considered as a peaceful and stable destination in the Middle East region. Restaurants are considered the backbone of the hospitality business in Jordan. They contribute to (40 %) of tourism employment in 2018. This article aims to discuss the factors affecting tipping intentions. A convenient sample of 624 clients was selected from restaurants in Irbid governorate, which is considered as the second-largest populated city in Jordan. The questionnaires were distributed and collected from the respondents in all 35 fine-dining restaurants working in Irbid, in order to explore the factors affecting the customers’ behaviors towards tipping intentions. According to the results of this study, about 20% of the variation in the tipping intentions is attributed to service quality, food quality, restaurant environment, emotional motivations, and social motivations. Food quality has a larger effect in explaining the variation in tipping intentions as compared to the rest of the investigated factors. There was no difference between males and females towards their tipping intentions. Older frequent clients have more tipping intentions than other groups in the study community. The study recommended conducting similar surveys on other restaurant types in different governorates in Jordan as well as in neighboring countries to understand the tipping behavior of restaurant clients in different contexts.