摘要:Introduction. Over the decades, improving the quality of education has been pronounced frequently in many studies. It became a political argument in different media across the globe and the theme of courtesy among scientists. The concern about education is not something you ignore or consider later, so the attempts to improve are increasing with the quality matter going longer and continuing to date. Thus, the primary aim of this work was to assess the quality of education and its associated factors for the future improvement in the study site. Methods. An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Arba Minch College of Health Sciences (AMCHS) students and staff from all departments. Ethical clearance was received and verbal consent was secured beforehand. After processing, data was entered into Epi Info and then transferred and analyzed in SPSS 25.0. Result and Discussion. The overall quality of education in the college was 2.87 ± 1.12. Administrative services, reading places, and resources took a larger share of poor quality. Accessibility, friendliness of staffs to each other and students, availability of clear guideline of conduct, presence of effective, accurate, and promotive services, high standard administrative buildings, availability of standard catering service, availability of standard laboratories, communication, and exchanges with similar level colleges in the region, weekly time table, weekly load, distance, etc. and some sociodemographic factors were associated with poor quality of education. Thus, the college inquired to welcome the aforementioned shortcomings improvement and to provide enough solutions.