摘要:Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common kidney cancer. Prognosis for ccRCC is generally poor since it is largely resistant to chemo- and radiotherapy. Many studies suggested that cancer stem cells/tumor initiating cells (CSCs/TICs) are responsible for development of tumor, disease progression, aggressiveness, metastasis and drug resistance. However, tumorigenic potential of CSCs/TICs isolated from established RCC cell lines – basic ccRCC research model – has never been investigated in vivo. CD105 , CD105−, CD44 and CD44− as well as CD44−/CD105− CD44 /CD105 and CD44−/CD105 cells were isolated from Caki-1 RCC cell line, confirming coexistence of multiple subpopulations of stem-related phenotype in stable cell line. Sorted cells were injected subcutaneously into NOD SCID mice and tumor growth was monitored with MRI and PET/CT. Tumor growth was observed after implantation of CD105 , CD44 , CD44−, CD44−/CD105 and CD44−/CD105− but not CD105− or CD44 /CD105 . Implantation of CD44−/CD105− cells induced tumors that were characterized by longer T1 and distinct metabolic pattern than other tumors. All the tumors were characterized by low uptake of [18F]FDG. CD105 and CD44− tumors expresses Nanog and Oct-4, while CD44− tumors additionally expressed endothelial cell marker - CD31.