标题:Comparative morphometric analysis of lungs of the semifossorial giant pouched rat ( Cricetomys gambianus ) and the subterranean Nigerian mole rat ( Cryptomys foxi )
摘要:Lungs of the rodent species, the African giant pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus) and the Nigerian mole rat (Cryptomys foxi) were investigated. Significant morphometric differences exist between the two species. The volume of the lung per unit body mass was 2.7 times larger; the respiratory surface area 3.4 times greater; the volume of the pulmonary capillary blood 2 times more; the harmonic mean thickness of the blood-gas (tissue) barrier (τht) ~29% thinner and; the total pulmonary morphometric diffusing capacity (DLo2) for O2 2.3 times more in C. foxi. C. gambianus occupies open burrows that are ventilated with air while C. foxi lives in closed burrows. The less morphometrically specialized lungs of C. gambianus may be attributed to its much larger body mass (~6 times more) and possibly lower metabolic rate and its semifossorial life whereas the ‘superior’ lungs of C. foxi may largely be ascribed to the subterranean hypoxic and hypercapnic environment it occupies. Compared to other rodents species that have been investigated hitherto, the τht was mostly smaller in the lungs of the subterranean species and C. foxi has the highest mass-specific DLo2. The fossorial- and the subterranean rodents have acquired various pulmonary structural specializations that relate to habitats occupied.