摘要:Abstract The description of user behavior in social networks is an important issue for studying social networks. Given that Petri nets can describe the resource flow problem, this study utilizes the features of Petri nets to portray the user behavior states during the message propagation of a micro-blog network and presents an information propagation formalized representation method of a micro-blog network. On this basis, this study analyzed the proposed formalized representation method in detail. We provide examples of applying formalized representation (e.g., micro-blog network addiction of users, user behavior influence, and public opinion analysis). In addition, we introduce the algorithms of formalized representation. We conduct experiments using Sina micro-blog data. Results show that the information propagation formalized representation method of micro-blog network based on Petri nets can depict user behaviors of micro-blog network intuitively and accurately. This study reveals a new perspective for information transmission of a micro-blog network and provides some tools to support public opinion monitoring and micro-blog marketing applications.