摘要:For electric vehicle application, one of the problems to be solved is defrosting or defogging a windshield or a side mirror without gas-fired heaters. In this paper, we report on a high performance of transparent heater with meshed amorphous-SiInZnO (SIZO)/ Ag/ amorphous-SiInZnO (SIZO) (SAS) for pure electric vehicles. We have adopted amorphous oxide materials like SIZO since SIZO is well known amorphous oxide materials showing high transparency and smooth surface roughness. With the mesh processing technology, a transparent electrode with high transmittance of 91% and low sheet resistance of 13.8 Ω/ϒ was implemented. When a 10 V supply voltage is applied to transparent heater, the transparent heater on glass substrate was heated up to 130oC in just 5 seconds and then reached to 250oC after tens of seconds due to the low sheet resistance. In addition, the SAS transparent meshed heater (TMH) showed high stability under cycling test and long time working stability test.