摘要:This study optimized the double-spin conditions for preparing equine platelet-rich plasma (PRP): leukocyte-rich PRP (L-PRP) and leukocyte-poor PRP (P-PRP). Whole blood samples were centrifuged at various double-spin conditions. Both L-PRP and P-PRP were prepared at each stage, and complete blood counts and growth factor concentrations were compared. Samples centrifuged at 160 × 900 g, 160 × 2,000 g, and 400 × 2,000 g exhibited the highest platelet counts. P-PRP had significantly lower leukocyte and erythrocyte contents than L-PRP, especially at 400 × 2,000 g. No significant differences were observed in growth factor concentrations. Our data suggest that optimum L-PRP preparation should include centrifugation under the aforementioned conditions, whereas centrifugation at 400 × 2,000 g is optimal for P-PRP.