摘要:Accurate noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) measurement requires use of an appropriately sized cuff. We aimed to improve the perioperative allocation of NIBP cuffs in patients with Class II–III obesity. In the baseline evaluation, we measured the mid-arm circumference (MAC) of 40 patients with BMI > 35 kg/m2, documenting the corresponding cuff allocated by pre-operative nurses. The intervention consisted of the introduction of cuff allocation based on MAC measurement and augmented NIBP cuff supplies. We completed a re-evaluation and evaluation of the intervention by staff survey, using 5-point Likert scales and free text comments. At baseline, the correct cuff was allocated in 9 of 40 patients (22.5%). During the intervention, education occurred in 54 (69.2%) peri-operative nursing staff. Upon re-evaluation, the correct cuff was allocated in 30 of 40 patients (75.0%), a statistically significant improvement (χ2 = 22.1, p < 0.001). Ninety-three of 120 staff surveys were returned (78%). Eleven out of 18 preoperative staff surveyed (61.1%) felt confident measuring the arm and selecting the correct cuff. Six (33%) agreed that taking the arm measurement added a lot of extra work. Equipment shortages, accuracy concerns, and clinical workarounds were reported by staff. Our intervention increased the proportion of correct cuffs allocated, but equipment and practical issues persist with NIBP cuff selection in obese patients.