摘要:This article describes the current landscape in the fields of social media and socio-technical systems. In particular, it analyzes the different ways in which social media are adopted in organizations, workplaces, educational and smart environments. One interesting aspect of this integration, is the use of social media for members’ participation and access to the processes and services of their organization. Those services cover many different types of daily routines and life activities, such as health, education, transports. In this survey, we compare and classify current research works according to multiple features, including: the use of Social Network Analysis and Social Capital models, users’ motivations for participation and organizational costs, adoption of the social media platform from below. Our results show that many of these current systems are developed without taking into proper consideration the social structures and processes, with some notable and positive exceptions.
关键词:social media; socio-technical systems; feral systems; firms; nonprofit; smart cities social media ; socio-technical systems ; feral systems ; firms ; nonprofit ; smart cities