摘要:Robustness analyses are very well referenced for concrete or steel frame structures but less for spatial structures; in particular for truss roofs. Here, we present a robustness analysis of an existing airport space structure. A finite element model was implemented based on the original design documents, where the structure is modeled as a spatial truss composed of elastic, perfectly hinged bars. With respect to five main design loading conditions, the most stressed bars among the top layer, the bottom layer and the diagonals, were alternately removed, and the stress variations in the remaining bars monitored. A total of fifteen analyses with removal of either the most stretched or the most compressed bar were run. Also, reductions of the most stressed bars’ axial stiffness were considered to investigate the effects of such local reductions on the global structural flexibility. Linearized global buckling analyses were also conducted to point out again the effect of a global loss of stiffness, due to local losses. The study gives basic information about the general behavior of the structure in case of failure, or damage, of a key element. Results show that this kind of lightweight and efficient structures are very sensitive to local losses, since their redistribution capabilities are not large.