摘要:In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior of a two-group SVIR epidemic model with random effect. Firstly, the two-group SVIR epidemic model with random perturbation of natural death rate is established. The existence and uniqueness of positive solution are proved by using stopping time theory and the Lyapunov analysis method. Secondly, a property of the system solution is obtained by using the law of strong numbers and the continuous local martingale. Finally, a new combination of Lyapunov functions is applied. The solution of the model we obtained is oscillating around a steady state if the basic reproduction number is less than one, which is the disease-free equilibrium of the corresponding deterministic model. A numerical simulation is presented to verify our theoretical results.
关键词:Stochastic SVIR model ; Brownian motion ; Itô ’s formula ; Global positive solution ; Properties of the solution ; Asymptotic behavior