摘要:The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of anger control training on teenage novice female players of taekwondo aged 12-14 years old. In the present study with semi-experimental design, 100 taekwondo players were chosen using the cluster random sampling method and Anger questionnaire (containing the components of aggressive behavior, aggressive attitude & aggressive feeling) were administered. Then, 30 subjects who obtained higher than mean scores (higher than 38) in the test were placed randomly into two groups of 15, called experimental & control groups. The Experimental group trained anger control protocol for 8 sessions of 60 minutes before the exercise; as there was no intervention for control group. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Analysis of variance with repeated measures). The results showed that: Anger Control Training is led to the reduction of aggressive behavior, aggressive attitude, and aggressive feeling of the participants. We conclude the method of anger control training can increase the ability of controlling and preventing aggression in the teenager athletes probably through the improvement of their ability in ethical reasoning.
关键词:Anger control training;Aggression;taekwondo player