摘要:The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize risks of sport universities Olympiads according to cost, time and quality via fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making techniques to raise awareness of these risks is the host community. The method of research was survey and data collected via mixed methods (qualitative and quantitatve). Managers and enforcement agents that have held hosting sport Olympiads games were population of this research. 35 persons was selected as targeted sampling. In this research first, interm of reviews of literature and interviews, risk factors were identified and later the questionnaire has been designed. The content validity of questionnaire confirmed by 10 specialists and reliability verified by Cronbach’s alpha (0.92) respectively. The results showed managerial factors, financial have most important risks in university Olympiads. Also political-security and facilities risks are effective and managerial factors, financial and juridical risks are impressible. Since there isn’t a preventive approach in athlete olymiads management and managers are looking for short term solutions, so viewpoint to risk management of this projects should be strategic.
关键词:Risk management;multi-criteria decision making;Sport Event;fuzzy DEMATEL;Sports Olympiad of students