摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of coaches’ servant leadership style with coach trust and perceived sport performance among collegiate sport teams. This research is descriptive- correlational type. The population of that consisted of all players of boy and girl collegiate sport teams (N= 300) that participated in sport region 3 college, out of which 220 athletes completed and returned the questionnaires, That analyzed as study sample. In order to data gathering used Servant Leadership Style (Hammermeister, et al., 2008), trust in coach (Zhang, 2004) and perceived team performance (Glenn, 2003) scales. To determine the content questionnaires validity was used of comments 10 professors in the field. Their reliability using Cronbach's alpha, have been reported respectively 0.94, 0.86 and 0.93. To analyze the data were used of Pearson correlation and path analysis. Findings indicated that among subscales of servant leadership, Service has direct, positive and significant effect on coach trust and perceived sport performance. Endogenous Variables’ R-Square indicated that respectively 74% and 23% of the variance of coach trust and sport performance is explained by exogenous variables. Finally, all model indexes were favorable. The results show that athletes with coaches servant leadership style, show higher levels of confidence in the coach. Also this leadership style can improve athletic performance.